
Article Type

Research Article

Subject Area

Fisheries Science


The present work deals with the length-weight relationship (LWR), Fulton’s condition factor (kc) and the relative weight condition factor (kn) for females, males and whole pooled samples of bluespotted cornetfish, Fistularia commersonii in the Egyptian Mediterranean waters. Between October 2017 and March 2019, a total of 101 kg and 746 individuals of F. commersonii were randomly selected each month from the commercial catch that was trawled from El-Hamam to Sidi-Kirayr, West of Alexandria. For the whole pooled samples, the total length of F. commersonii ranged between 24.1 cm TL and 107.5 cm TL (mean = 56.66 ± 15.740) and there was a variation in the total body weight (T.Wt) of 5 g to 1055 g (mean = 136.33 ± 135.418) and the gutted body weight (G.Wt) of 4 g to 856 g (mean = 124.03 ± 120.233). On total and gutted weights, the LWR equations were as follows: T.Wt = 0.0001 L3.4314 (R² = 0.9907) and G.Wt = 0.0001 L3.4027 (R² = 0.9915). The mean values for kc and kn were 0.0503 ± 0.0072 and 0.97 ± 0.088, respectively. Generally, it was observed that F. commersonii have a pattern of positive allometric growth as b values > 3 and the computed t-test was significant at 1% for females, males, and pooled samples in total and gutted weights. The kc values reflected the body shape of F. commersonii as it is an extremely elongated, thin, whip-like body shape and the kn reflected that the species lives in a good growth condition. Further biological research is required to understand F. commersonii's age, reproduction, feeding habits, and stock assessment in the Mediterranean seas off Egypt, .

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