
Article Type

Research Article

Subject Area

Marine Biology


The objective of this study is to redescribe four marine fouling species on Al Dhahab Island in front of Miyami Beach, Alexandria, that are associated with the pearl oyster Pinctada radiata (Leach, 1814). During June 2021, eighteen shells of P. radiata oysters were collected by scuba diving. Analyzed fouling communities revealed that a total of 106 taxa were associated with the studied shells, among these two polychaetes (Lepidonotus carinulatus and Eurysyllis tuberculata), one bivalve (Septifer cumingii), and one isopod (Munna sp.) were recorded. The fourth species, identified as Uromunna petiti (Amar, 1948), constitutes a new record for the Egyptian Mediterranean fauna. This complementary study provides important diagnostic characteristics, accompanied by photographs, remarks, ecological habitat information, and distribution patterns for each of the four recorded species.

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