Most Recent Additions
Effectiveness of Various Modified Vegetable Fibers for Oil Spill Removal
Walaa M. Thabet, Samir M. Nasr, and Ola Abdelwahab
Assessing the Readiness and Awareness of Key Stakeholders in the Egyptian Maritime Industry to Implement Smart Green Port Practices: A Case Study of Alexandria Port
Mohamed Elhussieny, Ahmed El Kassar, and Kareem Tonbol
Faunistic study of some fouling species associated with pearl oysters, including a new record for the Egyptian Mediterranean Sea
Khaled M. Abdelsalam and Noha H. Elebiary
Analysis of Monthly and Annual Air Temperature Trends in Port-Said City, Egypt
Amna S. Dabbous, Yasser M. El-Wakeel, and Tarek M. El-Geziry
Utilization of phytoplankton distribution and water quality criteria for the environmental assessment: A case study on Lake Manzala, Egypt
Mahmoud A. Abdelmoneim, Abdel Aziz M. Radwan, and Tamer A. El-Betar
Synthesis and Characterization of UiO-66-NH2 (Zr) Metal–Organic Frameworks: Chitosan and its aminated derivatives to remove toxic Cr (VI) from Industrial Wastewater
Bassma M. Ali, Zainab Ali, Elen Emad, Ragaa Ahmed, Ayat Khasawneh, Khalideh Al bkoor Alrawashdeh, Rebhi A. Damseh, Jalal A. Al-Tabbal, Kamel K. Al-Zboon, Petros Samaras, Yasser Dessouky, and Kareem Tonbol
Integration of GPR and EMI Techniques for Engineering Applications in New Nubariya District, Egypt
Ali Abdalsalam, Osman Badran, Elhamy A. Tarabees, and Abdellatif Younis
Removal of Textile dyes by ecofriendly aquatic plants From wastewater: A review on Plants Species, Mechanisms, and Perspectives
Water Quality Assessment, Eutrophication, and Pollution Index in Lake Edku (Nile Delta of Egypt)
Mohamed A. Okbah, Mahmoud S. Ibrahim, Tarek O. Said, Mohammed E.M. Nassar, and Maie I. El-Gammal
Egyptian sole Solea aegyptiaca Chabanaud 1927 as an eligible ecological indicator for Lake Qarun, Egypt
Usama Khalifa and Adel Ali. Abdelmageed
Spatial Distribution and Ecological Risk of OCPs and PCBs in Sediments from Lake Edku, Egypt
Mohamed A. Okbah, Mahmoud S. Ibrahim, Tarek O. Said, Mohammed E.M. Nassar, and Maie I. El-Gammal
Major constituents’ distribution as an indicator of Water Exchange between Lake Burullus and the Mediterranean Sea
Ramzy B. Nessim, Hermine R. Z. Tadros, Madelyn N. Moawad, Abeer A.M. El-Sayed, Esam El-din M. Deghady, and Amaal E.A. Abou Taleb
Bioaccumulation Influences of some heavy metals on growth performance of Solea solea fish in Lake Qaroun, Egypt
Tarek M. Hamad, Khalid H. Zaghloul, and Ahmed E. Alprol
The use of adsorption technology in the removal of dyes and heavy metals from aqueous solution by agricultural wastes
Ahmed E. Alprol
Ecological Assessment Of Drainage Water Input On The Water Quality Of A Coastal Estuary, Mediterranean Coast Of Egypt
Fatma A. Zaghloul, Hoda A. E. Hemaida, Hayat M. Faragallah, and Ahmed A. Radwan
Bioactive Molecules from Microalgae
Reham Gamal
*Updated as of 02/17/25.